Dice Roller 1.0 --------------- Rob Feehan 5/01/1992 THIS PROGRAM REQUIRES THE VISUAL BASIC RUNTIME VBRUN100.DLL FILE. The dice roller is my first attempt at a Visual Basic Program. It is a simple concept, to allow a DM to roll any basic combination of dice. The program will continue to be enhanced if requested. A help screen explains the available short cut keys active inside the program. Please feel free to distribute the program to others. It was originally developed for a DM friend of mine who requires some automated help with his campaign. Other program currently being considered for development are a character generator, NPC generator, random encounter program, and a combat program. All program will be developed using the Windows interface and Visual Basic. It is my feeling that since each DM would like to personalize his/her use of the programs then we should write small utilities designed to run under a Windows environment. I realize that many people may not have Windows 3 but as a Professional programmer my advice is to take a serious look at it. If you are interested in any of these programs please forward your votes/comments to me on Compuserve or via the post office. Thanks for taking a look, Enjoy. Rob Feehan 152 Westridge Crescent Hillsboro Park, PEI, Canada, C1A 8P1 Compuserve: 70323,2613 (I can also be reached at 70363,2474 Maritime Electric)